Sunday, April 20, 2008



DAY 23

No this is not a mistake.

Nor have I quit in a fit of pique and run crying to the nearest airport.

After sifting through numerous options, coming to Melbourne was simply the best one.

All my stuff is still is "Coly" and I will be returning in 24 hours.

My predicament was such, that I have needed to solve it as practically as possible and with all the givens - my disabled equipment, remoteness of location, irregularity of transport, nothing being open on a Sunday, my specialised trike tyres and general desire to get back on the road AQAP - then the once weekly 1.50 pm bus out of Coleambally this afternoon was the only way to go.

The bus drove to Shepparton VIC, followed by a transfer to V-Line train direct to Melbourne.

I was in Melbourne by 7.30 pm and after some foot patrol for an hour or so, stumbled across a very amenable room (with queen-size bed and en-suite if you please) for a mere $34 overnight.

A feed in Brunswick Street, Gelatissimo in Lygon Street, then back to digs for a sound nap to complete one of the more interesting weekends of my existence.

Towmorrow, the mission is on - to track down a fresh quiver of inner-tubes that will allow me to get back to Coleambally and continue on my quest to Adelaide.

At least in Melbourne, I am 99% certain that this will get done.

Stay tuned.....

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