Friday, April 4, 2008




64.55 Km

Total Time – 08.30 – 12.30 (4h 00m)

Time on Bike – 3h 27m 53s

Max. speed – 72.6 km/h

Av. Speed - 18.6 km/h

I’m beginning to feel a bit like Jack and the Beanstalk.

With a general lack of local knowledge, it has been easy to presume that once the Blue Mountains are crossed west of Sydney, then everything becomes either downhill or at best pretty flat.

The Great Western Highway between Lithgow and Bathurst passes over a 1200 m section of the Great Dividing Range, but there is pay dirt, with a nice 20 km descent into Bathurst, which lies on a fairly flat alluvial plain.

If I’d done a little more research, then I may have known that Orange is almost 1000 m above sea level and from those flat Bathurst plains, you’ve gotta get up here somehow.

I spent 12km and nearly 2 hours climbing the Rocks Pass today, searching for the downhill that never came.

Not that it’s heavily strenuous – just mighty slow and just a little frustrating.

The days’ statistics are actually quite flattering, considering, and the countryside along the way, quite beautiful.

Even better was the cold westerly that has been lashing the Central West for 3 days abated overnight and if anything, swung around today and was giving me a gentle push.

I’ll be staying here in Orange for a couple of days with family friends and rumour has it that I may even have the use of a car tomorrow…..

1 comment:

MajaPihler said...

Dear vaughn!
sounds like a great adventure and a lot of should be writing books vaughn. I always enjoyed reading your journey reports.And I am curios for more:-)
Time is passing and I am still in Berlin, traveling a lot around the country with some musical tours the past two years,working on some songwriting, and here we are, its april 2008...Sovenia is far far away...have a great journey and take care of yourself.I´m looking forward to read more about it.Greetings from Berlin, maja