Tuesday, June 3, 2008



DAY 66


151.69 km

Total Time: 08.30 – 17.30 (9h)

Time on Bike: 7h 57m 42s

Max. Speed: 51.4 km/h

Av. Speed: 19 km/h

A maximum day on the road.

The first one for a while as well, but I mind not in the least.

Elliston is only 240 km from Ceduna, but there are a few stops between here and there.

It should only be a one-nighter here and then on towards a tiny hamlet called Venus Bay.

I’m quite happy with the way I dealt with today.

It was the biggest day for nearly a month and given the short-hop bludgy days of late, I could be excused for turning readily into a pile of lime-green jelly.

Not so at all – I was gassing along for most of the day and did it all with a minimum of rest stops.

It was a good day to go for distance anyway.

The weather was cool and plenty of cloud cover for the most, as well as long stretches with not a whole lot to excite about.

The major distractions along the way are gravel roads that lead to wild coastal hideaways fronting the Great Southern Ocean – great for camping, fishing, surfing and getting eaten by White Pointers.

I will try my luck with the White Pointers in the morning as I am camped about 100 meters behind Elliston’s main beach.

It is no joke – people have been attacked in Elliston as recently as last year.

And it would indeed be your lucky day to survive a mauling from one of these monsters…..

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