Wednesday, June 18, 2008



DAY 81


95.68 km

Total Time: 09.45 – 15.45 (6h)

Time on Bike: 4h 33m 33s

Max. Speed: 62.8 km/h

Av. Speed: 21 km/h

Today was dominated by the ugliest cold bitch of a wind blowing out of the north.

I’m allowed to call it this because I had it as tailwind for 90 kilometres – that’s how bad it was.

There is no chance I will be heading back north into it, so here I will stay until it either abates or swings around.

Various forecasts have it changing by Thursday or depending on who you talk to, it is here to stay for another week.

Edithburgh is in the south-eastern corner of Yorke Peninsula – “the heel of the boot”, as it were.

Well, the Achilles Tendon really but I’m not going to quibble.

I bypassed both Port Vincent and Stansbury on the way through – places I may ordinarily have stayed over in.

The wind was concurrently a deterrent and encouragement in my decision to keep moving.

So bad was it that normally beautiful surroundings would have been no fun at all.

And on the other side of this was the self-same wind blowing me along the St Vincent Highway, just as if I were being shot out of a gun.

I had to make the most of it.

But now having come as far south as I possibly can, the only way back is straight into the teeth of it.

Edithburgh is inviting enough to spend at least another day.

Coastal walks, tidal rock pools and a wind farm just over the hill should provide a small portfolio of photo ops, so I’ll be straight into it.

Just a shame the dopey grey conditions nullified the red glowing cliffs at Ardrossan this morning.

Save for around 10 minutes after sunrise, it was a non-event.

The sunrise alone was worth it though – an absolute “speccy”, as we may say around here.

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