Friday, June 20, 2008



DAY 84


89.07 km

Total Time: 09.00 – 16.45 (7h 45m)

Time on Bike: 5h 01m 41s

Max. Speed: 39.4 km/h

Av. Speed: 17.7 km/h

I have arrived in Kadina more out of necessity than choice.

Moonta Bay was probably the best location for tonight.

Kadina is an unremarkable town by Yorke Peninsula standards but the payoff is that it is the biggest and best appointed service centre in the region by some distance.

Hence I am able to get my trolley wheels re-spoked here and not a day too soon.

One of them was particularly bad - it probably would not have made it to the next location.

By tomorrow though, I should be set for an onwards trip to the Flinders.

The other obvious advantage of Kadina is it is directly connected to the next destination, Port Broughton.

My feeling is to spend the weekend up there and then set off for my Flinders adventure on Monday morning.

I have scored a cosy $20 cabin for the evening, which does mean my tent stays wet for another 24 hours but at only 200 metres from the Port Broughton turnoff, I have but to collect the repaired wheels in the morning and away I go.

I’ve also never been gladder to have stayed awhile down in Edithburgh, as I continue to reap the southerly tailwind that swung around during Wednesday’s storm.

It was of little benefit this morning however, as I opened the account with 22 kilometres of tedious uphill crunch as a winter warmer.

112 minutes later and just shy of midday, I crawled into the town of Maitland at a tick or so over 9 km/h and in a mood like a dog’s arse.

In lieu of kicking something (or someone), I skulked into the local IGA for some well overdue breakfast snacks at the now well-frequented bargain bin and this seemed to work small wonders in alleviating my fug.

A belly full of sweet things together with some hearty conversation with a few yokels had me recharged and ready for the next 35 km section into Moonta.

It was not nearly half as bad and I wheeled into town right on 90 minutes later.

And in Moonta I could have stayed.

Further enquiry however, had it as much more prudent to push another hour through to Kadina and take care of business.

So this is what I have done.

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