Wednesday, July 16, 2008



DAY 110

31.19 km

Total Time: 11.30 – 16.45 (1h)

Time on Bike: 1h 46m 04s

Max. Speed: 33.4 km/h

Av. Speed: 17.6 km/h

I leave Adelaide tomorrow for Gawler.

Another chapter is drawing to a close but not before one final round of gluttony at the Gawler Arms tomorrow evening and I refuse to take on any guilt about it….

I took the bike out this afternoon on another run to Semaphore and Largs Pier.

On certain days, photo sessions offer themselves quite freely but today just wasn’t one of them.

With every plan to seize the moment, the conditions make life rather a chore.

I’m guessing this means I must learn to use such conditions more to my advantage, no matter what the situation.

After all, I do take a high measure of enjoyment in getting some quality shots however it is gloomy affairs like today that make me work a little harder for the money.

By the end, I finished with some quite acceptable results of a fine subject on an average day.

I can be happy with this.

This evening was spent at the Buckingham Arms Hotel in the Medindie area of Adelaide for reasons of being invited to a monthly gathering of the Vincent Motorcycle Owners of SA.

Not that I own a Vincent (or ever will), but you see I’m in with the club now that I’m sort of an honorary member or at least a visiting tag-along or some other such thing.

If this makes sense to the uninitiated reader, well maybe I should clarify that we’ve previously met, the Vincent owners and I.

And I’ve kind of kept in touch with some of them over the time and they’ve kept in touch with me and my wanderings.

So with me being in Adelaide and them meeting in Adelaide tonight, it was a nice excuse to get together for a feed and drink and for me to show off some of my travel photography to an otherwise captive audience.

That’s all there was to it and a more than suitable way to spend my final evening in Adelaide.

I have wholly mixed feelings about the next section of the trip that officially gets underway tomorrow morning.

Too much for the current posting, but perhaps more to come in days ahead.

I thank you Adelaide.

1 comment:

Anne Lewis said...

Hi Vaughn

Sorry it has taken me so long to get around to this but life is a bit out of control for us at the moment which you may have gathered whilst statying with us. sorry we did not have more time to spend with you.

Glad to see you had a good journey to Beachport somewhere that we love also.

I have read this blog with much interest and your photos are fantastic you have a great eye for a good shot.

Travel safely on the rest of your journey.

Take care Anne (Henley Beach)