Monday, July 21, 2008



DAY 114


70.26 km

Total Time: 09.30 – 14.15 (4h 45m)

Time on Bike: 3h 51m 19s

Max. Speed: 57 km/h

Av. Speed: 18.2 km/h

Somebody tried to run me over today.

I don’t really want to talk about it very much because I haven’t been as upset and pissed off about something in some time.

If the person had have succeeded, I would not be here anymore due to the size of the vehicle involved.

It is as simple as this.

What has upset me most is that there is obviously a rare but certain kind of mercenary fuckwit that shares the planet with everybody else and no matter how cautious and aware I may pride myself on being, there is nothing to be done if worst comes to worst.

No doubt this awareness saved my life today.

I wish I could make it sound less dramatic than it is.

In fact I am actually having second thoughts as whether to push through to Melbourne now.

It is impossible to tell when luck is going to run out and yet I am also not one to respond to fear.

I am hoping more than anything that in a running total of 5500 kilometres to date, this incident was a one-off so I should take heed and pedal on.

If this is the decision, I now make for the town of Meningie tomorrow before taking on a 150 km stretch of The Coorong come Tuesday.

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