Wednesday, July 23, 2008



DAY 117


98.84 km

Total Time: 08.35 – 15.35 (7h)

Time on Bike: 5h 20m 30s

Max. Speed: 31.4 km/h

Av. Speed: 18.5 km/h

Kingston South East.

The South East moniker is to distinguish it from another South Australian Kingston somewhere in the north.

Kingston represents both the bottom of the Coorong and the top of what is known as the Limestone Coast.

It is the main holiday and service centre of the sweeping Lacapede Bay and is also a paid up member of Australia’s Big Club.

The Big Club is one of Australia’s more shameful and embarrassing contributions to tourism, whereby numerous towns around the place have something big that is supposed to put it of the map and get people to go and visit.

Some more infamous examples are Big Banana (Coffs Harbour, NSW), Big Pineapple (Palmwoods, Queensland), Big Strawberry (Yarroweyah, Victoria), Big Merino (Goulburn, NSW).


Kingston’s rather lame contribution to this rather lame culture is a massive 5 metre high fibreglass lobster that greets everybody on arrival through the northern end of town.

It is most certainly big enough and ugly enough to scar small children throughout their childhood years and beyond.

And I most certainly won’t be recommending anyone to visit because of it.

Eating lobster on the other hand is certifiably one of life’s more indulgent experiences and one of the culinary world’s more extravagant delicacies.

There is nothing quite like blowing $50 on a fresh one and sitting there demolishing the beast until no more meat can possibly be located.

Juice and other bits should ideally run down to the elbow region at meals’ end and the sucking technique most suitably applied to each section of claw, no matter how fiddly and difficult to access.

The lobster sadly has a reputation as an extremely fatty item of consumption and would blow most cholesterol budgets to the Moon and back.

The good things in life are rarely good for you they say.

Bah Humbug, I say and if one is give oneself heart disease, then this sure beats the idea of smoking oneself into the grave.

The only issue is always my daily $40 bean count, or else……

Today was the best weather (probably anywhere) for about a month – beautiful bright sun, light northerly breeze and not even as cold as it might have been.

Keep it up, I say once again and more of the same from here on in.

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