Friday, July 25, 2008



DAY 119


61.79 km

Total Time: 09.15 – 15.00 (5h 45m)

Time on Bike: 3h 18m 29s

Max. Speed: 32.2 km/h

Av. Speed: 18.7 km/h

Timing is everything and it is the right time to be in Beachport, if only for reuniting with my hosts for the weekend, Shannon and Julie.

We originally met by chance at West Beach in Adelaide around the beginning of May and a standing invitation to visit has existed if ever I should arrive.

Well, my path has finally led me here and all things come together in these circumstances.

I addressed the local school children on arrival – all 30 of them – and they collectively had it that I may have ridden anywhere between 100 and 100 000 kilometres on the current journey.

100 000 is certainly an impressive feat and whilst laying claim to this was tempting, some ooh’s and ahh’s quietly circulated the small room when the 6000 figure was finally nominated.

I’m not sure many of these children could grasp how much 6000 kilometres actually is – I probably couldn’t have grasped it 5 months ago myself – but the odometer does not exaggerate.

Still, it is not quite a cause for major celebration right now.

There is a distance yet to be travelled and I do intend to complete it safely and with my being intact.

Whatever the final figure is at this point will stand.

Until then, the journey must roll on.

The hospitality of my current hosts will extend now to Sunday.

Mount Gambier waits beyond and the final leg of the journey into Melbourne will unfold.

I cannot create an exacting time frame but 2 weeks is probably fair play.

The time is right to wind this trip to an end and the prospect of a finishing time is exciting.

With no questions left to be answered this time around, new opportunities lie ahead in bounds.

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