Sunday, May 25, 2008



DAY 55


112.93 km

Total Time: 08.45 – 15.15 (6h 30m)

Time on Bike: 5h 39m 59s

Max. Speed: 49.9 km/h

Av. Speed: 19.9 km/h

I am still yet to hit the mark on the Eyre Peninsula.

To be fair, it has only been 2 days and common wisdom has it that all the best spots are around on the other side anyway.

I will be heading further south tomorrow to one of 3 locations – Arno Bay, Port Neill or Tumby Bay.

They all about 40 km apart and one of them should be the final stop before hitting the big smoke of Port Lincoln.

After sampling some of the more diverse landscapes Australia has to offer over the past few days, today’s ride was back to reality – 110 kilometres of Spinifex and Mallee scrub, with just a few hills thrown in for a bit of a lark.

At least said hills had another side, which hasn’t necessarily been the experience so far along the way.

Plenty of extended downhill flying countered the scenic tedium and I basically made pretty good time.

Southwards from here, the Lincoln Highway does travel somewhat closer to the coast, but it is hardly expected to be Big Sur.

Never mind, I will make a hand of whatever cards are dealt, although I will indulge a major complaint at this point and say that I am fed up with Caravan Parks who see fit to charge me double on the basis that they have no unpowered tent sites.

It is complete bullshit, particularly when they can see I am alone, on a bike, have minimal needs and have mostly ridden all fucking day to get there.

I am staying in one such this evening and for the rate tey have charged, I would just about be better off paying an extra $10 for a bed at the pub.

Next time, I may well.

And in addition, the facilities here are crap.

At least I had a hot shower. I should be grateful.

Alas, this is my gripe for the day - the ride was actually pretty good, so I have to find something or other to whinge about…..

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