Sunday, May 25, 2008



DAY 56


51.16 km

Total Time: 09.00 – 13.00 (4h)

Time on Bike: 2h 42m 41s

Max. Speed: 38.7 km/h

Av. Speed: 18.9 km/h

There will be no long hauls for the next few.

With only 40 kilometres each between the next 3 towns, I might as well drop in to all of them.

The weather is executive and there are tailwinds aplenty.

And I also went fishing for squid this afternoon.

Didn’t catch anything but now I find out that squid haven’t been caught off the jetty here for a couple of weeks, although it won’t stop me trying again tomorrow.

It so happens I went travelling with some fishing line, mostly as a means of making repairs if required, but now it is ready made complete with brand new lure and floater.

Just dangle it off and watch the little critters bite.

Not this easy I’m afraid and I was sadly relegated to the local supermarket once again this evening.

Not to be denied however, I went one better and splurged on a dozen of Cowell’s finest oysters.

At $7 the Baker’s Dozen, it is hardly excessive but they are rather easy on the palate.

Buying them unshucked means you need to find a way to crack the buggers open without slicing off 2 or 3 fingers or else causing cuts that take months to heal.

Hot water works or better still, placing them on a hotplate on which somebody else is cooking a steak and just wait for the juice to start spurting out of the sides.

You then know they are just ready to slide open and onto your waiting tongue - and not an abrasion in sight.

I didn’t quite escape so easily tonight and have a couple of beauties to show off for the next while.

Injuries aside, I’m starting to like this place and may or may not move on tomorrow.

Port Neill is the next stop and it will probably be more of the same.

Or just stop here another day and indulge awhile.

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